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Movies watched at Melvin St.

4 results

TitleDateRatingCried?Watched withLocation
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade2025-02-087.0Lydia Murphy, Micah Warren, Andrew Roberts, Daniel Maienshein, Philip Applegate, Jason Smith, Rebekah RosamiliaMelvin St.
Groundhog Day2025-02-027.4Lydia Murphy, Micah Warren, Andrew Roberts, Daniel Maienshein, Josh Mably, Jason Smith, Nate Shi, Elias Griffin, Rachel GriffinMelvin St.
Spirited Away2023-10-307.8Paul Halberstadt, Micah WarrenMelvin St.
Porco Rosso2023-10-088.2Elizabeth Schwab, Micah Warren, Daniel Hibshman, Sarah Hibshman, Lydia Murphy, Philip ApplegateMelvin St.